Yoga for Healing

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Reducing Stress With Yoga Helps Lower Blood Pressure And Prevents Heart Disease

By []  J Russell Hart

Yoga combines movement, breath awareness, and mental focus. This integrated approach to movement supports the health of the body and the mind. Some practitioners and teachers say that movement through various yoga poses makes yoga a moving meditation.

During a yoga session, each of the poses, asanas, are linked to the breath. Movement is guided with the inhales and exhales. As the practitioner takes open poses, where they extend or lengthen the body, they inhale. When a practitioner folds or contracts the body as in standing forward fold, they exhale.

Some asanas build strength and endurance. Other asanas allow muscles to lengthen and relax.

A complete yoga practice takes the spine in all six directions, forward, up, back, bending side to side and twisting to the left and right. A traditional yoga practice ends with complete relaxation, lying in Svasana, corpse pose, and includes breathing exercises as well as various forms of meditation.

What are the Benefits of Yoga?

Yoga exercises increase strength and flexibility. They also have a calming effect on the mind and nervous system. Yoga provides numerous health benefits.

Physical benefits associated with Yoga

Improves and maintains flexibility

Builds muscle strength and endurance

Elevates the heart rate (depending on the style of yoga)

Keeps the spine supple

Improves posture

Increases circulation

Maintains the cartilage and joints

Lowers blood pressure

Improves functional fitness

Improves blood circulation

Boosts heart health

And many other health benefits for the body

Mental benefits associated with Yoga

Improves depression and increases serotonin (mood nerotransimetters in the brain) levels

Improves ability to focus and concentration

Alleviates stress, and anxiety

Decreases the body's fight or flight response and increases the relaxation response

Builds confidence

Fosters an increased sense of well-being

Develops mindfulness which results in better body awareness to meet its needs

What Is Blood Pressure?

A blood pressure reading measures the level of force exerted on the walls of the body's blood vessels as blood passes through them. With each beat, the heart moves blood through the blood vessels to every part of the body. A high hypertension reading indicates the heart must work harder to do this.

Blood pressure readings measure two components, the systolic and diastolic readings. Systolic and diastolic pressure references the two stages of a heartbeat. The reading is most often notated like a fraction with the systolic reading on the top and the diastolic reading on the bottom.

A blood pressure reading of less than 120/80 falls within the normal range. High blood pressure or hypertension becomes a concern when a reading exceeds this range.

Normal: Less than 120 over 80 (120/80)

Prehypertension: 120-139 over 80-89

Stage 1 high blood pressure: 140-159 over 90-99

Stage 2 high blood pressure: 160 and above over 100 and above

High blood pressure in people over age 60: 150 and above over 90 and above

Consequences of High Blood Pressure

Untreated hypertension can lead to various health problems, including:

Damage to the heart and coronary arteries that can lead to heart attack, heart disease, congestive heart failure, atherosclerosis and aortic dissection.


Vision loss

Erectile dysfunction

Memory loss

Fluid in the lungs

Kidney damage


Peripheral artery disease

Yoga and Blood Pressure

Stress, obesity, and poor diet adversely affect hypertension. Stress causes a consistent pattern of adrenal stimulation and increased heart rate, essentially causing the body to remain in fight or flight mode. The heart works harder raising blood pressure.

An obese person's heart must multiply its efforts to send oxygenated blood throughout the body. A poor diet, especially one high in processed foods, sodium, and fat contributes to hardening of the arteries. As the arteries narrow, more force is required to move blood through them, which increase probability of developing hypertension, heart disease, and possibly heart failure.

Yoga addresses each of these issues and is recommended as a complementary therapy to manage and prevent high blood pressure.

The physical postures build muscle and bone density, which helps people, manage and lose weight.

They also allow the heart to grow stronger by improving circulation.

The mindfulness component allows people to build thought patterns, which lend themselves to making mindful choices across the board. According to Yoga Journal, this includes building a healthy diet.

Yoga also lowers hypertension. A recent study attributes yoga's effect on blood pressure to its mindfulness and relaxation components.

According to researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine, yoga may provide excellent benefits to people seeking to relieve anxiety and overall improvement in their mood. Yoga eases the stress and anxiety, which contribute to depression, poor dietary choices, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Yoga provides an accessible and effective way to prevent and manage high blood pressure. In this sense, it is a complementary therapy and professional guidance is necessary. People who have hypertension need to consult with their doctor and a knowledgeable yoga instructor before beginning a yoga program; some poses may increase hypertension if unmodified.

Russell (Rusty) Hart is the founder of the Health, Fitness & Sport Club, a website devoted to the promotion of health, fitness and wellness. The site encompasses a wide variety of health and fitness activities including general health matters, pilates, yoga, CrossFit, treadmill training, running, kettlebell, swimming, baseball, camping, hunting, HIIT, triathlons, extreme sports, equestrian and more. Should this subject matter be of interest you can visit the HF & S Club home site where you'll find over 1,300 quality posts with new posts being published daily. To quickly access those that are of interest you can select any of 20 Categories broken down by over 260 Sub-Categories for easy access.

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Article Source: [] Reducing Stress With Yoga Helps Lower Blood Pressure And Prevents Heart Disease

Friday, October 20, 2017

Yoga and the Mind/Body Connection

By [] Vaughn Balchunas

Yoga is most famous for its healing ability and the peace of mind that it brings.  How does Yoga do this?

The body has two nervous systems, sympathetic, and parasympathetic.  The sympathetic system, also called the "fight or flight" system, causes blood pressure to rise, breath rate to increase, and stress hormones to flood the body.  This prepares the body for fight, and in today's world, this occurs when we are stressed or agitated.  This system, when over stimulated, can cause health problems like ulcers, migraines, and heart disease.

Raja Yoga Meditation - Achieving an Integration of Mind and Body

By []   David Barrett

The raja yoga meditation is an effective technique of meditating and kicking out stress and worries from your life. This technique is all about gaining control on everything that is connected with you. This is not just about controlling your breath, but in fact, it is more about controlling your mind. The ultimate purpose here is to achieve an integration of mind and body.

Raja Yoga the Royal Science of Meditation

By [] Arun Kumar Suri

The Indian scriptures unequivocally declare that every soul is divine and the ultimate purpose of human life is to experience that state of divinity. They advocate four different paths, which are not mutually exclusive for attaining this goal-the path of devotion (Bhakthi Yoga) the path of selfless service (karma Yoga), the path of intellectual inquiry (Jnana yoga) and the path of meditation (Raja Yoga).

Raja yoga takes us to this goal faster than other methods. This involves stilling the mind and the senses so that we cease to identity ourselves with the body mind complex and experience our true nature. We communicate with the external world through the five senses. The mind interprets the impulses from these senses. Mind is a bundle of thoughts and desires. It is an abstract entity. We cannot catch hold of the mind. How then do we still the mind?

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Seafood and Ten of Its Health Benefits

By [] Coleen Panetti

Who says there is something fishy on fish oils, shellfish, and other seafoods when it comes to health benefits? That is absolutely a fishy story.

Nowadays, people have come to realize the importance of seafoods in our diet. Various studies and researches have proved that the best sources of good fats, vitamins, and minerals to promote good health can actually be found on different seafoods. The only drawback is that it took so many years for most people to realize the health benefits of having seafoods in their diet.

Fruits and Vegetables and Phytochemicals

By [] 
Barbara Pfieffer

I'm willing to bet you probably haven't heard the word 'phytochemicals' before. But you've been eating them your whole life and they are vitally important to your life and well-being. They are one of the keys to real health.

So, what are they? Phytochemicals are biologically active substances in food. They have health enhancing abilities and possibly curative abilities. They number in the hundreds in most plant foods. They are found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains.

Protective Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

By []  Cindy N.

Omega-3 appear to reduce the risk of heart attack. A 20-year project at the University of Leyden in the Netherlands, comparing the eating habits of more than 800 men at risk of heart disease, found that men who ate more than an ounce of fish a day had a 50 percent lower rate of heart attacks.

Since then, a lengthening list of studies has shown similar protection among men who eat fish at least two or three times a week. One possible explanation is that omega-3 reduce triglyceride levels. Another is that you body converts omega-3 to a compound similar to prostacyclin, a naturally occurring chemical that inhibits the formation of blood clots.
